Seed Stocker – Prémium minőségű kannabisz vetőmagok
A Seed Stocker egy világszerte elismert vetőmagokat forgalmazó vállalat, amely kifejezetten a kannabisz termesztők számára kínál kiváló minőségű magokat. Termékeik között megtalálhatók az Indica, Sativa és hibrid fajok, amelyek stabil genetikával és magas csírázási aránnyal rendelkeznek. A Seed Stocker magokat gondosan válogatják és tesztelik, hogy biztosítsák a termesztők számára a legjobb minőségű növényeket, amelyek magas hozamot és kiváló hatóanyagtartalmat produkálnak. A vállalat célja, hogy a termesztők számára olyan minőségi magokat biztosítson, amelyek hozzájárulnak a sikeres és eredményes termesztéshez.
Seed Stocker - Super Skunk Fem | Feminizált mag | 1 darab
Super Skunk Fem seedsSuper Skunk is a special Skunk line selected for consistently high THC content (22%+), it is also very easy to grow with harvests which are..
Seed Stocker - Super Skunk Fem | Feminizált mag | 25 darab
Super Skunk Fem seedsSuper Skunk is a special Skunk line selected for consistently high THC content (22%+), it is also very easy to grow with harvests which are..
Seed Stocker - Super Skunk Fem | Feminizált mag | 3 darab
Super Skunk Fem seedsSuper Skunk is a special Skunk line selected for consistently high THC content (22%+), it is also very easy to grow with harvests which are..
Seed Stocker - Super Skunk Fem | Feminizált mag | 5 darab
Super Skunk Fem seedsSuper Skunk is a special Skunk line selected for consistently high THC content (22%+), it is also very easy to grow with harvests which are..
Seed Stocker - Thunder Banana® Auto | Autoflowering mag | 1 darab
Thunder Banana® Auto seedsThis high-performance auto delivers solid THC levels of about 20% with heavy yields around 11-12 weeks after seed germination with 20 ..
Seed Stocker - Thunder Banana® Auto | Autoflowering mag | 25 darab
Thunder Banana® Auto seedsThis high-performance auto delivers solid THC levels of about 20% with heavy yields around 11-12 weeks after seed germination with 20 ..
Seed Stocker - Thunder Banana® Auto | Autoflowering mag | 3 darab
Thunder Banana® Auto seedsThis high-performance auto delivers solid THC levels of about 20% with heavy yields around 11-12 weeks after seed germination with 20 ..
Seed Stocker - Thunder Banana® Auto | Autoflowering mag | 5 darab
Thunder Banana® Auto seedsThis high-performance auto delivers solid THC levels of about 20% with heavy yields around 11-12 weeks after seed germination with 20 ..
Seed Stocker - Thunder Banana® Fem | Feminizált mag | 1 darab
Thunder Banana® Fem seedsFeminized seeds fans looking for rare, sweet banana notes on their very-high THC buds should definitely check out these unusual genetic..
Seed Stocker - Thunder Banana® Fem | Feminizált mag | 25 darab
Thunder Banana® Fem seedsFeminized seeds fans looking for rare, sweet banana notes on their very-high THC buds should definitely check out these unusual genetic..
Seed Stocker - Thunder Banana® Fem | Feminizált mag | 3 darab
Thunder Banana® Fem seedsFeminized seeds fans looking for rare, sweet banana notes on their very-high THC buds should definitely check out these unusual genetic..
Seed Stocker - Thunder Banana® Fem | Feminizált mag | 5 darab
Thunder Banana® Fem seedsFeminized seeds fans looking for rare, sweet banana notes on their very-high THC buds should definitely check out these unusual genetic..
Seed Stocker - Triton Biscotto Lime Auto | Autoflowering mag | 1 darab
Triton Biscotto Lime Auto seedsA Cali hybrid that’s tasty and explosive in equal measureNew cannabis strains are developed every day. Some of them are solid com..
Seed Stocker - Triton Biscotto Lime Auto | Autoflowering mag | 25 darab
Triton Biscotto Lime Auto seedsA Cali hybrid that’s tasty and explosive in equal measureNew cannabis strains are developed every day. Some of them are solid com..
Seed Stocker - Triton Biscotto Lime Auto | Autoflowering mag | 3 darab
Triton Biscotto Lime Auto seedsA Cali hybrid that’s tasty and explosive in equal measureNew cannabis strains are developed every day. Some of them are solid com..
Seed Stocker - Triton Biscotto Lime Auto | Autoflowering mag | 5 darab
Triton Biscotto Lime Auto seedsA Cali hybrid that’s tasty and explosive in equal measureNew cannabis strains are developed every day. Some of them are solid com..
Seed Stocker - Triton Biscotto Lime Fem | Feminizált mag | 1 darab
Triton Biscotto Lime Fem seedsa Cali flavour with the wow factorIn an established market like the one that exists today, it’s become increasingly difficult to s..
Seed Stocker - Triton Biscotto Lime Fem | Feminizált mag | 25 darab
Triton Biscotto Lime Fem seedsa Cali flavour with the wow factorIn an established market like the one that exists today, it’s become increasingly difficult to s..
Seed Stocker - Triton Biscotto Lime Fem | Feminizált mag | 3 darab
Triton Biscotto Lime Fem seedsa Cali flavour with the wow factorIn an established market like the one that exists today, it’s become increasingly difficult to s..
Seed Stocker - Triton Biscotto Lime Fem | Feminizált mag | 5 darab
Triton Biscotto Lime Fem seedsa Cali flavour with the wow factorIn an established market like the one that exists today, it’s become increasingly difficult to s..