Paradise Seeds - Sunset Paradise | Feminizált mag | 3 darab

  • Gyártó: Paradise Seeds
  • Cikkszám: PFSUN3
  • Készletinfó: Készleten

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Paradise Seeds Sunset Paradise | Fem | Pack of 3

  • 80% Indica | 20% Sativa
  • Thin Mint GSC x Sunset Sherbert

Gelato TwistSunset Paradise is an indica dominant hybrid that has its own distinct personality. A very quick finisher, this portrait of beauty delivers the ultimate color show and fat flavorful buds that ooze a sense of the exotic.

Sunset Paradise is a luxury scoop of the popular strain Gelato (Thin Mint GSC x Sunset Sherbert), whose fruity tones and powerful relaxation qualities has put this delicious cannabis dessert at the top of many aficionados’ menu. This version arrives in the form of a refined Paradise blend to create the ultimate antidote to the stresses and strains of modern life.


Thin Mint GSC (formerly known as Girl Scout Cookies) is well known for its potency thanks to an explosive combination of stand out sativa and indica qualities, all wrapped up in one delicious hybrid. Sunset Sherbert is another hybrid which shares similar roots (with Durban Poison and OG Kush in the mix). As with all Paradise twists on an original strain, this one benefits from some development in the in-house breeding program to produce a plant with enhanced taste and extra kick to the potency which cannabis growers will appreciate.

Aromas and Flavours

Flowering is accompanied by an exquisite aroma of great complexity underpinned by tones of citrus, berry and lavender. Once dried, the buds exude an exquisite distinctive aroma that comes with the lavender element pushed to the foreground, deliciously blended with fruity notes of orange and raspberry, plus a bit of skunky piquancy.
The taste is a delightfully mixed palate too, delivering a hint of lavender that ushers in a fruity sweetness tinged with a hint of spiced skunk.


Difficulty Level: Easy – Medium

Indoors: Sunset Paradise will thrive in an indoor environment and is a superb fit for a smaller grow space thanks to its compact form, and should not exceed a meter in height. While most indicas display a bushy density, this plant shows its distinctive personality with more open growth with stalks and leaves flushing with the colors red and purple.

Outdoors: Outdoors, the more open growth pattern makes this strain a good choice for indica fans growing in more northern regions, while in warmer and sunnier zones it will naturally flourish. Cannabis growers will delight in the presentation of this plant and the all round robustness of its growth pattern.

Yield and Presentation

The multiple calyxes of this plant produce thick flower clusters that quickly fill with rock hard big buds that are insanely rich in resin. Oil production intensifies in the second period of flowering ensuring a rich shower of trichomes cover the buds with their intense orange pistils and shades of purple.

Indoor Yield: 450 g per m²
Outdoor Yield: 1000 g per plant


Recreational: The Sunset Paradise effect is not one for the inexperienced user. It begins with an initial powerful wave of euphoria which is followed by an intense hit of bodily relaxation. The Sunset effect is also notoriously long lasting in nature.

Medical: Sunset Paradise cannabis seeds are popular with medical users because the strength of its relaxation qualities is matched by a clarity which enables them to stay productive and focused.

Grow Stats

Sunset Paradise cannabis seeds are suitable for growing outside between 50º n.L. and 50º s.L.. Plants will finish in early October outdoors (n.L.) and after 8 weeks indoors. Estimated yield is 400 g per m² indoors / 650 g per plant outdoors.

Mennyiség 3 mag
Magbank Paradise seeds
Virágzási időszak Kevesebb mint 60 nap
Genetika Indica > sativa
Cikkszám PFSUN3
Szállítási súly 0,01 kg
Felhasználás Beltéri, Kültéri, Üvegház
Íz Gyümölcsös, Skunk, Édes, Levendula
Típus Feminizált

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